To Wait For The LORD: that is the constant posture of all the saints of God. 

Before Christ came, Israel was waiting for His appearing. Simeon and Anna (mentioned in Luke 1) were “waiting for the consolation of Israel.” They had grown grey in waiting, but still, they were among “them that looked/waited for redemption in Jerusalem.” The expression ‘waiting for the Lord’ aptly describes all the saints from righteous Abel down to faithful old Simeon.

It is the same for New Testament Christians. We also are, or should be, waiting for the Lord: “Looking/waiting for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” This is the Church’s glorious hope and we are still waiting for its blessed realization. In fact, even the glorified saints in heaven are waiting — “waiting for the adoption, the redemption of the body,” at the return of our Lord.


To Wait For the LORD: that is a very blessed posture for all the saints of God.

eagle waitWaiting tries faith, and that is a good thing because faith grows by trial. Waiting exercises patience, and that is also a good thing, for patience is one of the choice gifts of God. Waiting endears the blessing when we finally get it. It is much more precious because we have waited for it.

In fact, God has said that those who wait on Him shall renew their strength, shall mount up with wings like eagles, shall run and not be weary, shall walk and not faint.