
Theme: Building Tomorrow’s Church

When our Lord Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave a command to His disciples to preach the gospel throughout the world and organize those who believe the gospel into churches where they will be taught all the things Jesus Himself instructed them. Jesus was thinking of the future and the spread of the gospel for at least the next 2000 years.

As we consider the theme, Building Tomorrow’s Church, we must think about Jesus words. What has the church been like over these 2000 years ? What instructions did Jesus give? How should we follow them,? We will think about such subject as the nature and purpose of the church, the preparation of leaders for tomorrow’s church, and the growth of tomorrow’s church. May the Lord bless our time together !

Dr James Renihan
Professor of Historical Theology
The Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies
Westminster Seminary California, USA

11 – 12 April 2017

The conference messages are now available for download at